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Warranted Desires (A Warranted Series Book 2)
Warranted Desires (A Warranted Series Book 2) Read online
Warranted Series, Book Two
Shannon Nemechek
Warranted Desires
Copyright © 2018 by Shannon Nemechek.
All rights reserved.
First Print Edition: May 2018
Limitless Publishing, LLC
Kailua, HI 96734
Formatting: Limitless Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-363-4
ISBN-10: 1-64034-363-6
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.
Sometimes love is meant to be. The day I met you my entire world flipped upside down, and it has been one hell of a ride. Never change, my love. I love you just the way you are, and I love you more and more with every passing day. You still give me that special feeling every time I hear your voice, and I love the way that you say my name…it gives me chills. Always be you and never apologize; you are perfect just the way you are. If I could choose one person to spend the rest of my life with, it would be you. I am so lucky to have you. SC SC SC
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 1
As the sun peeked through the curtains, Sam stirred and stretched on the large king-sized bed, rubbing her eyes and scanning the room for Raleigh. This was the third trip to New Orleans to gather information for their investigation, and Samantha was starting to think of it as her second home. She hadn’t been back to her place in Chicago for quite some time and had been temporarily assigned to Division Headquarters to assist her now partner Chief Warrant Officer 4 Raleigh Fitzgerald. In the midst of the investigation, he had become more than her partner; he was her lover.
New Orleans had turned out to be more than they had bargained for. What was supposed to be a short investigation for Raleigh turned into months’ worth of investigations, multiple arrests, recovery of millions of dollars in equipment, uncovered connections to two terrorist organizations, and murder. Because of the proximity to the port, New Orleans had become a hotbed of terrorist activities, and the pair had stumbled smack in the middle of it. It had been a few months since Samantha had received a beating from the terrorist leader Saheed Al-Balshera. Raleigh had shot and thought he’d killed him in the operation at the port, but there was no evidence that he was dead—no body was recovered. It had been months and nothing—no sign of Al-Balshera. Raleigh had sustained a gunshot wound in that gun battle, and although he was still experiencing some pain, he was recovering quite nicely.
They needed to wrap things up here in New Orleans, then get back to Fort Bragg to finish interrogating Jared Thompson. They suspected he still had information they needed. Since Thompson was the primary witness in the initial investigation that brought Sam and Raleigh together, they needed to get back as soon as possible. There was a big problem, though—Jared and Raleigh had history, a long and involved one. They were best friends, about as close and best as friends can get.
They had been inseparable since childhood, joined the Army together, served years together in the Special Forces, and had been captured together when their unit was ambushed on a mission in Afghanistan. It was during this captivity that Jared turned his back on his fellow soldiers and became an operative for Al-Qaida and the Taliban. Jared Thompson and his wife Semeana were in jail and would face justice at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in the military and civilian court systems.
It was now Raleigh’s job to be the one to gather the evidence that would be used to convict his best friend and present the rest of the remaining terror suspects in a cute little bow to the Attorney General of the United States. Before Sam and Raleigh could leave New Orleans, they had to make sure all the suspects from the raid on the port were processed. They would see their day in court and more than likely be sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to serve out their sentences then be deported to their own countries.
One lingering question still sat unanswered. Once it was all said and done, where would that leave Sam and Raleigh? Would they continue their forbidden relationship, or would they chalk it up to a good time? What possibilities were in store for them?
Sam reached for the TV remote as she sat up, propping herself onto a stack of pillows that lay scattered upon the bed and the floor next to her. She flipped through the channels until she came to CNN coverage of another of their raids. CNN had covered the strikes for a few months now; they were big news. The raids had recovered millions of dollars’ worth of equipment, stopped a terrorist organization from implanting any further into the United States, and helped solve numerous murders. Every time coverage came on, Raleigh would pound his chest like Tarzan and spout something like, “All in a day’s work for a stud like me,” making both of them laugh before they continued with what they had been doing before.
They were proud of what they had accomplished together; it was just too bad they were the only ones who knew about it. They were heroes, but no one would know their names, and that was the way it should be. Raleigh, for one, couldn’t go public and avoided the cameras as much as possible to not risk his anonymity for future missions. It was all part of the package, all part of being in Special Forces, and it had its drawbacks. “No parade,” he would say as he passed the many reporters coming in and out of New Orleans NCIS headquarters. The FBI and NCIS took the credit for the busts, which was just fine with Raleigh.
Sam watched the TV screen as the reporters encircled the entrance of NCIS headquarters, all vying for a glimpse of the suspects and a chance to get a statement from one of the investigators. They wanted to see the public face of the investigation, but all they could get were quick glimpses of a janitor as he cleaned the windows and of the security guards who seemed to puff out their chests just a little more when the cameras were nearby.
Where could that man be? Sam wondered as she grabbed a sheet from the bed, wrapping it about herself as she started the coffee. She had already been up nearly half an hour, and he still wasn’t showing. Not even a note, weird. Must not have gone far then. As the coffee pot filled with water, she caught what she thought was Raleigh’s voice in the hallway. Turning off the water, she strained to listen. Yep, that’s him. She inched closer to the door and, still unable to hear clearly, pressed her ear against the wooden door and heard his voice clearly.
“Yes, sir,” he said. “I can report to Fort Bragg as soon as we close up this investigation.” Sam could feel a lump in her throat start to form as she listened to the excitement in his voice. This is som
ething he wants.
“No, sir. I have nothing holding me in Alabama. Nope, no relationship either. I am as free as a bird.” His words cut through her.
No relationship? Nothing holding him? Report to Fort Bragg? None of this made sense to her; they hadn’t known each other long, but he never mentioned leaving and had continued to express his love for her and how he never wanted to leave her side. The tears started to flow as Sam tried to hold herself back from flinging the door open and punching him in the throat.
Stopping herself, she paused and thought about it. He was right—they didn’t have a “relationship” and there wasn’t anything holding him back. Just because he says he loves me doesn’t mean we’ll be married and live happily ever after, white picket fence and all. Besides, I’m not the white picket fence kind of woman. What does Happily Ever After mean in the first place?
Samantha paused and pressed her ear against the door to catch more of the conversation just as she heard the door key click. She quickly jumped clear of the door just in time and made it to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror when Raleigh waltzed in, a huge smile on his face.
Seeing Sam in front of the mirror as he entered the room, he snuck up behind her, scooped her up in his arms, kissed her, and tossed her onto the bed, jumping next to her. “Good morning, darlin’. How’d ya sleep?” he asked as he propped his head up, looking down at her.
“I slept fine. I’m good.” Straining to rise, she uttered, “I’m just fine.” Her lips were pursed and her eyes almost burned with anger.
Confused, Raleigh sat up as Sam stood in front of him naked. “Well darlin’, you don’t look okay. You look pissed. If I didn’t know any better, I would think those hazel eyes of yours want to burn a hole right through me. Did I do something?”
“No,” she snapped back. “I’m okay, just sore is all.”
“Well, baby, do you want me to give you a massage or we can get into the shower and see what comes up?” He smiled and winked at her. She couldn’t resist that damn smile, let alone be mad at him. Samantha smiled back. He will tell me in his own time. For now, I will enjoy what he has to give and hope for the best.
Samantha looked down at him, her eyes bright with anticipation. “Well, what are you waiting for?” she spoke, extending her hand to his to pull him up from the bed and into the shower. It didn’t take much for Raleigh to figure out what she was hinting at; he grabbed her hand, sprung to his feet, and pulled her into the bathroom all in one complete action. Sam giggled as he picked her up and placed her on the bathroom counter. When he bent over to turn on the water, she slapped him on his ass.
She did love that ass of his, so tight and firm he could crack a walnut between those cheeks.
“Whoa now, missy. It ain’t time for that yet. You will get your chance to play. Right now, it’s my turn.”
As he turned toward her, she could already see the effect she had on him. She never thought of herself as someone who could affect a man that quickly. They hadn’t even gotten started with the fun stuff yet.
Grabbing his cock, he looked down at her. “See what you do to me, girl. Now what you gonna do about it?”
Sam smiled and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Raleigh moaned as Sam slowly stroked him, taking her time, making sure she could feel his reaction as her fingers popped over the tip. His body seemed to mimic her motion, and he quickened as she tightened her grip.
“Oh, baby. Don’t stop, that feels so good.” His voice was husky and raspy as his moans grew louder. Raleigh arched his back, and he leaned into Sam’s shoulder. “I don’t know how much I can take. If you keep going, I am gonna come. You don’t want that yet, do you?”
Sam grinned shamelessly and began to kiss his forehead as she heightened her attack on his cock and quickened her strokes. As he begged her to stop, his moans and his body told her something completely different. “I wanna come inside you, baby,” he blurted. “My God, I want to be inside you, Sam. Please, baby please.” He begged, but Sam didn’t relent.
Sam jumped off the bathroom counter, her hand never once stopping, and she continued the barrage of strokes on Raleigh’s cock. As she kneeled at his feet, engulfing his cock in her lips, she could taste the pre-cum on the tip as it slid inside. He tastes so good, she thought as she sucked while sliding his rock-hard cock deep in her mouth, rubbing the tip on the back.
Raleigh’s body jerked, and he let out a deep, gravelly moan as he clenched a handful of Sam’s dirty blonde hair into his fists, holding her head in one spot. “Don’t move, baby. If you move one centimeter, I am gonna blow.”
Sam’s eyes grew wide and her smile almost devilish as she encircled her tongue around his shaft. Raleigh let out a loud growl of pleasure and filled her mouth. His body bucked and jerked as the waves of his intense orgasm continued to envelop his body.
Sam took him in, his taste and pure essence aroused her more than she ever thought any man could. As Raleigh came down from his orgasmic high, he took Sam’s face into one hand and kissed her. His other hand found its way to her now completely soaked pussy, began to encircle the folds, then rubbed the nub of her clit until she jerked.
He knew he’d found the right spot and whispered into her ear, “Oh baby, it’s your turn now. And I am gonna make you scream my name for the entire world to hear. I want you to let them all know who has his tongue in your pussy.”
Raleigh picked her up and placed her on the bathroom counter then knelt and opened Sam’s legs wider, looking up into her eyes. “It’s my turn to get on my knees for you, darlin’.”
He dove between her legs, lapping and sucking. The barrage was so overwhelming to her that her body jerked and tingled with each pass over her clit. The need got greater, and she could feel herself getting closer to orgasm; he wasn’t making it easy not to scream his name. My God, he is good. She attempted to grab a scruff of hair, but Raleigh kept his hair short in a military high and tight, so in desperation, she grabbed his ears and pulled him closer, almost suffocating him in pure sexual bliss.
She forced his head deeper, and he could feel her so close to coming. She couldn’t help but scream his name and beg him to fuck her now. Raleigh grinned as he lapped up her juices, running his tongue over her clit, knowing Sam would scream even louder with every pass he made on her swollen nub. My God, I do love the way she tastes, the way she moves, the way she says my name, screams my name even better. I could die today and be the happiest man in the world.
Pulling his head from the tight grip between her legs, he paused and looked into Sam’s eyes. “Baby, you want me to keep going?” he said, grinning, already knowing the answer, but before she could respond, he already had his head buried between her legs again and his tongue deep inside her. Her mind went completely blank and everything over the past few weeks seemed to disappear as she stared down at the top of Raleigh’s head, moaning louder as his tongue danced around her pussy, inching her closer to climax. Sam’s moans deepened, and her voice pitched higher as her orgasm built; Raleigh responded and dug deeper inside to taste her juices and feel her climax as it tightened around his tongue.
The more he tasted her, the more he wanted. He could spend the rest of his life between her legs, and he would be fulfilled beyond his wildest dreams.
Sam’s hips began to move closer, and her moans quickened. Raleigh knew she was getting close, and his excitement heightened with every thrust of his tongue. When she exploded, he felt the warmth and taste of her, like a sweet nectar of honey on his lips. With one sweep of his tongue, he lapped her remaining juices and moved up to kiss her.
“Do you taste that?” he whispered in her ear. “That, my dear, is the taste of you on my lips, and I want that for the rest of my life. You think you could deal with that?” he asked, anxiously awaiting her reply.
Sam looked at Raleigh, grabbing his face in her hands pulling him closer. “Raleigh, if you eat my pussy like that every day, you can keep your head there twent
y-four-seven. In fact, I’m feeling another wave building. How is it you keep me so damned horny? Just the thought of having you between my legs, near my head, or at the waist makes my pussy throb.”
Something was still holding her back from saying those three little words he so desperately wanted her to say. He wasn’t pushing or giving her ultimatums; he was just being Raleigh and telling her how he felt. She didn’t answer his question but instead turned toward the shower, bent down, and turned it on.
“We have a long day ahead of us, babe. We should jump in and get the day started.” Sam almost felt bad for not answering his question, but he had to know how she felt about him.
He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her in, his mouth so close to her ear she could feel the heat of his breath, sending shivers down her spine. He whispered so closely the sound of his words drove deep into her soul. “Sam, darling, would you…” He paused as the heat built between them. “Would you want a cup of coffee?” Sam twisted toward him, a wet washcloth in her hand, barely grazing Raleigh on his leg.
Raleigh laughed as he reached around and grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around his waist, swatting Sam on the butt. “How ‘bout it, babe? You want some hot steamy, creamy coffee?” Grabbing his dick in his hand, he continued, “I can add the cream here myself!”
“Oh, Raleigh, you just ain’t right,” she shot back.
Chapter 2
It didn’t take Samantha long to shower then dress. By the time she walked out of the bathroom, Raleigh had already made coffee and had breakfast at the table waiting for her.
“I’m gonna go jump in the shower. Go ahead and eat your breakfast. I will be out in two shakes of a lamb’s tail,” he said, grabbing his towel tightly in his fist, preparing in case Sam might be planning a de-toweling.