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- Shannon Nemechek
Christmas on the Run Page 3
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He tried to sleep, but instead for the first time in a long while, when he closed his eyes, he saw Skye’s face, and not the ambush that took the lives of some of his buddies. He saw Skye, her blonde hair blowing in the wind as she sat atop her favorite horse, Bugs. Cody had helped Skye break him, and he remembered the one night he and Skye snuck out and went to the corral. Cody held the reins as Skye rode Bugs, her long hair flowing behind her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. This night would be a long one…he just lay in bed and remembered.
It was early in the morning. It had snowed pretty good the night before, but Skye had set her alarm for four a.m. so they could get to Mitchell and sightsee and maybe do a little Christmas shopping since it was right around the corner. Tyler needed to think that this was just a regular trip and he was finally going to see the family ranch. Skye’s dad usually came to New York to visit Skye and Tyler for Christmas, so this was a treat for Tyler, who had never been to the country. All Skye heard most of the trip was Tyler asking if he was going to be able to ride the horses and if he could go out with Grandpa to round up the cattle like a real cowboy. Skye would always answer the same way, “Yes, Tyler, you will get to ride on the horses, and I’m sure Grandpa will take you out for a ride, but you’re not ready to herd cattle. But maybe if you’re real good the rest of the trip, Grandpa will teach you to rope a steer, though. You’ll have to ask Grandpa when we get there.” Then Tyler would get excited and ask if he could get cowboy boots and a hat, and Skye would answer, “Yes, we’ll go buy you some once we get to Crawford.” Then Tyler would turn back to the cartoon on his iPad and soon fall asleep.
As Skye drove, her thoughts went back to the day she left Crawford. It still seemed like yesterday that she had witnessed Cody and Dee Dee in an intimate embrace. She didn’t stick around for the main event, but she was pretty sure how it ended. They were probably married by now with four kids and living at the Bent Arrow. She never asked her daddy about Cody because the pain of knowing might be worse than contemplating. She just hoped she didn’t run into Cody and his wife, girlfriend, or whatever Dee Dee Freeman was to him now. Skye didn’t care what Cody Wilson was now or who he was with, and he would be sure to never know that Tyler was his son. She would make sure of that.
When Cody got up and looked through his bedroom window, the snow was already pretty high, and the window had an accumulation of frost and ice around the edges. Winter had definitely come to Montana. He had a long day ahead of him, so he quickly jumped into the shower and dressed for the day. He could already smell breakfast. Maria was already cooking, and Cody was glad she was, because he had a long day ahead and he would need all the energy he could muster. Cody had brought Maria onboard to help his momma. Cody could smell the bacon as it resonated throughout the house. He sure did love being home, but he missed his buddies. The Ninth Special Forces was definitely a special group of guys, and Fort Bragg had been home for eight of his ten years in the Army. Being home, he had to learn to be a civilian again, which wasn’t the easiest thing to do when you’ve had nothin’ but structure in your life and were a leader of men who go out and train to kill bad guys twenty-four seven. Hell, when they weren’t training or deployed, they were together at one of the guys’ houses just hangin’ out, drinkin’, barbecuin’ and watchin a game. As Cody came downstairs, he heard his daddy call him into the living room where he was sitting watching the news.
“Cody, can you turn this shit to something else? Caps my ass every time I look at the damned news. Nothing but bad news and war, war this and war that. We sure are glad you’re home now, Cody, and no more goin’ to war,” his daddy said as Cody flipped through the channels. Buck would give him a yeah or a nay on what he wanted to watch. Cody grinned, and finally, his dad decided he wanted to watch the Outdoor Channel. Cody got up and went into the kitchen to grab a quick bite before he headed out for chores. He still had to make it over to the Triple H this morning to helpRoss Howard get his chores done. Then it would be time to come back and get cleaned up to go to the Bent Nickle—his evening job as a bouncer for his old hangout. No more drunk fests for Cody, he had people he had to care for and ranches that needed to be tended. Grabbing his bacon, then his coat, he headed out to let the other ranch hand know what he had to get done, then Cody went to get the cattle fed and the horse stalls cleaned.
Chapter Four
Finally, last day on the road. Gotta call Daddy soon as I get past Rapid City so he knows we’re coming, Skye thought as they tried to navigate some of the roads. The snow had been falling now for two days, and they were a few days from Christmas. It’s definitely going to be a white Christmas. She went over in her head the list of things she had to do and pick up at the store once they got to Crawford. She had to leave all of Tyler’s presents back in New York when they left, since they had to leave quickly. So she would be last-minute shopping for Tyler for Christmas. But at least they had each other, and they were alive. She dared not turn on her other cell for fear that Parker was tracking her, and Rapid City was just a few more miles up the road, so she would call using the pre-paid cell she had picked up. She prayed her daddy would answer since he wouldn’t recognize the number.
They still had about five hours before they got to the ranch, but this would give her daddy time to get everything ready for their arrival. She fumbled around inside her purse, searching for the cell phone she had purchased, but nothing. Looking in the seat next to her—nothing, checking on the floor board she didn’t see it, then it hit her she had to have left it at the Corn Palace when she looked for directions back onto the interstate. She had set the cell down on the table when she helped Tyler tie his shoe. Well, she thought, I guess Daddy is gonna get a surprise. She looked in the rearview mirror and saw Tyler had once again fallen asleep. He had been such a good boy the entire trip. Only a few more hours and we’ll be in Crawford. She turned the radio on low, flipping through the stations, trying to find something that would keep her awake. The snow had continued so far the entire trip, and it was getting to the point that Skye had developed a headache from squinting. “I really hope this snow quits soon.” It was beginning to accumulate.
Parker and Jasmine had just gotten on the road toward the Triple H Ranch. They had stopped at the local gun store to pick up ammunition and then filled the tank of the BMW. Jasmine had turned on the XM radio to listen to some talk radio channel out of New York, and it was starting to weigh on Parker’s nerves.
“Jasmine, turn that shit off. I’m trying to figure out how to get out to this fucking place, and you got the fucking directions, so pay attention and stop fucking with the god damned radio,” Parker screamed, pounding the steering wheel.
“All right, Parker, I’m sorry, I just—” She was interrupted by Parker, who threw his drink in her direction.
“Get the fucking map and tell me where to turn, then check the gun and make sure it’s loaded. We don’t want to get there and not be prepared,” he told her as she grabbed the directions the man at the diner had written for them the day before. Parker had a pretty good idea that Skye would be coming home either tonight or tomorrow sometime, so he would go to her parents’ place and wait for her. Once she got there, he would have her clean out her dad’s bank accounts and her own, so that he and Jasmine could get out of the country.
“Jasmine, did you put the handcuffs in the car? We are gonna need them,” he asked.
“Yes, baby, I did, and the gun is loaded,” she said, then noticed the right turn. “Turn right here, Parker.”
“God damn it, Jas, pay attention!” he screamed.
“I was until you told me to check the bullets,” she snapped back, then within seconds, Jasmine felt the sting of Parker slapping her cheek.
“Don’t fucking talk back to me. Do as you're fucking told,” he snarled, his face red with anger.
“The ranch is just past this ranch here on the left. It’s the next driveway,” she replied.
“Okay, you ready, baby?” he asked as he tried to
comfort her. “I’m sorry I hit you, Jas. You just gotta do as I tell you, and I won’t hit you. Okay?”
“All right, Parker, I will,” she said as she rubbed her cheek. “I’m ready.”
As they got closer to the Triple H Ranch, Parker turned off the lights of the BMW. It was already five-thirty, and it was getting dark. The snow continued to fall. As they turned into the drive, they parked about one hundred yards away so that no one would hear the car. They would walk the rest of the way to the house.
“When we get to the house, Jas, let me do the talking, okay?” he ordered.
“Yes, Parker, whatever you say,” she replied as they approached the front door. When they knocked at first, they heard no sound, then when they hit the door again, Ross Howard could be seen walking to the door.
“Yeah, yeah, who is it?” Ross yelled as he approached the door.
“It’s me, Mr. Howard, Parker Johnson. I’m supposed to meet Skye here.” As the door opened, Parker held the barrel of a .9mm Beretta in Ross Howard’s face.
When Skye took the turn off the interstate and into Crawford, her heart seemed lighter almost. It felt like she had never left; the town hadn’t changed a bit except a few new shops along Main Street and a stoplight just past the General Store. It was almost seven p.m., and she wanted to get out to the Triple H before her dad fell asleep and they could get some supper before Tammy Jane, Daddy’s cook, left for the evening. Tyler had been a complete angel the entire trip, and she was ready to relax and hide out for awhile.
As they got closer to the house, Skye noticed a black car on the side of the driveway almost to the road. Turning down the drive and parking in front of the house, she honked the horn, then got out of the SUV. Tyler unbuckled himself, and Skye opened up the back door, grabbing their bags, then walking up the steps and knocking on the door.
Inside the house, Parker ordered Ross to tell Skye to come in. “Come on in. The door’s open. I’m here in the living room. Come on in.”
Skye opened the door, and Tyler bolted through the door. “Momma, where’s the bathroom?” Tyler yelled as he ran through the house.
“Tyler, slow down. It’s back there just off the kitchen. Be careful and don’t bother Tammy Jane,” Skye told Tyler as he disappeared around the corner.
“Daddy, it’s Skye. Where are you?” she yelled.
“In here, damn it,” Ross Howard yelled back at his daughter. Skye dropped the bags by the front door, then walked through the foyer and into the living room. When she looked up she came face to face with Parker holding a gun to her daddy’s head and Tammy Jane lying in a pool of blood, next to where her daddy was cuffed to the chair.
“Well, Skye, it’s nice to see you again,” Parker greeted her.
“Parker, please let my dad and Tyler go—please—you can do whatever you want to me, but please let them go,” she begged. Tyler came into the living room just behind Parker and Jasmine. Parker quickly scooped him up and turned the gun on Tyler.
Skye screamed and begged Parker to let Tyler go, but Parker laughed. “Look, Skye, this is how it's gonna go.” Parker waved the pistol around, then he pointed it at Tyler, then her dad. “Which one goes first? If you do as I tell you, then Tyler here and your daddy might get out of this alive. As for you, my lovely Skye, I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do to you yet. Why don’t you bring your pretty little self over here and sit down? We gotta talk,” Parker said, pointing to the chair in front of her.
Skye walked around the chair and sat down. “Parker, please let Tyler sit by me…you’re scaring him. He never did anything to you. Please?” Skye begged.
“Fine,” he said and then put Tyler down. The boy ran to Skye and jumped into her lap.
“Okay, are we all happy now?” Parker snarled. “Can we get down to business now?” Parker sat across from Skye on the couch her momma had purchased right before she died, and it killed Skye to see him sitting on it. Jasmine sat down next to Parker on the couch and wrapped her arms around him. Parker elbowed Jasmine off of him. “Not now, Jasmine. I’m trying to work here.” Parker scowled at her.
“All right, Skye, this is how it’s gonna work. Tomorrow morning, you will go to the Crawford Savings and Loan, and I want you to withdraw all the money from your daddy’s accounts. Then I want you to request a bank transfer from your accounts in New York to the bank here. Then I want you to bring it all back here, and then I’ll know what I want to do with you. For now, let’s all get comfortable. We’re in for a long night,” Parker grumbled.
As the night wore on, Skye finally got the courage to get up and walk over to Parker. She wasn’t sure it was the smartest thing to do, but it was her only choice. Parker watched her as she walked over to him. Jasmine was already asleep on the couch, and Tyler had made a bed with his coat on the floor. Ross Howard, on the other hand, watched as his daughter confronted their captor.
“Parker, why are you doing this? I told you I wouldn’t say anything. Tyler doesn’t deserve this. He’s just a kid, and you’re the only father he has ever known. Why are you doing this to him?” she begged.
“Can I tell you my side of the story?” Parker asked. “Do I have a choice, Parker? I thought it was pretty clear what I saw, but go ahead.”
Parker sat back in his chair, staring wildly at Skye as he told his side of the story. Parker took a deep breath. “The other night when Camden got shot, it was an accident.”
“An accident? Really, Parker? Then why did you turn the gun on me and threaten to kill Tyler and me? And why are you holding us hostage? And why are you forcing me to get you money?” she screamed.
When she screamed, it woke Tyler, who sat up. “Momma, are you okay? Why are you yelling?”
“Tyler, baby, why don’t you go upstairs and Mommy will tuck you into her old bed, all right? Just go upstairs, and it’s the first door on your right.” Tyler got up and went to the stairs, looking back at his mom. Skye repeated, “Go on, baby. Mommy will be right up there.” Then she turned to Parker. “Don’t say a word. I’ll do what you want. Just let me get Tyler upstairs. And please let me take my dad to his room? You can handcuff him to his bed, if that’s what you want, but at least be civil, please?” Skye begged, and Parker finally relented.
“Fine. Jasmine, wake the hell up and uncuff the old man,” Parker ordered.
Jasmine rubbed her eyes, then got up. “You don’t have to be a jerk, Parker,” she said as she pushed her hand into her jeans, pulled the cuff key out, and unlocked Ross’s hand from behind him. Ross rose up from the chair, rubbing his wrists as Parker gave Jasmine the pistol and she followed them all upstairs.
The four of them went to Ross’s room first, and Jasmine locked Ross’s hand to the old antique metal-framed bed. She then followed Skye and Tyler to Skye’s old bedroom.
Jasmine stood in the corner of the room near the door, then she quietly pushed the door closed so Parker couldn’t hear. She whispered to Skye, “Skye, Skye, please, I need to talk to you. Please, I wanna help.”
Skye turned to Jasmine and said, “How can I trust you? You’ve been sleeping with Parker behind my back, and now you’re helping him to kill my son and my father, then me.”
“No, Skye, I never wanted this. Yes, I was sleeping with Parker, but I’m not a murderer. I thought we were going to run away. Then next thing I knew, we were flying here,” Jasmine explained. “You don’t have to believe me, but I want to help. In the morning, just go get the money. I’ll keep Parker busy while you’re gone. Then once you get here with the money, I’ll distract him and you can get away. Then Parker will be forced to leave. He won’t have a reason to stay. I’ll make sure he gets out of the country and as far away as possible.”
“But what about you, Jasmine?” Skye asked.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m a fighter. He may think he has me under control, but I’ll kill him myself if I have to,” Jasmine said, just as she heard Parker screaming from downstairs, asking why it was taking so long.
Jasmine yelled back s
he was trying to get the brat to sleep. Then she turned to Skye and placed her finger on her lips to stay quiet. Jasmine slowly opened the bedroom door. Skye kissed Tyler good night, then walked downstairs.
“What took so fucking long?” Parker asked.
“I was trying to get Tyler down since you have scared him to death, Parker. He doesn’t understand why you’re doing this,” Skye scolded him.
“Fine, just go to sleep then. What time does that bank open?” Parker asked.
Skye looked back at Parker, her face red with anger. “How the fuck should I know? I haven’t been home in ten years. I can assume maybe nine a.m. when Mr. Franks, the bank president, comes in, but that’s a guess. And besides that, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I don’t even know if the bank will even be open. This is a small town. Parker. Please, just turn yourself in.”
“Fine, you can just wait to see if this Mr. Franks shows up. In fact, why don’t you give him a call tonight…maybe he can meet you earlier? Just tell him it’s an emergency. You wouldn’t be lying,” Parker replied. “And if you go early enough, I bet he’ll be at that piece of crap diner on Main Street. You can go there in the morning and maybe catch him. You should probably get some sleep, because you’re gonna be up early.”